Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Derek had a great first day of second grade today.  He loves his new teacher, and met a new friend who sat next to him at lunch.  It's nice to see my son so happy.  Usually I dread September, because of Derek's struggles making friends, but I have a great feeling about this year--for both of us.  I hope that the smile on his face continues. 

While he was at school, I took care of the household chores that have been piling up.  It's amazing how much I have missed over the summer.  I worked my butt off today--did the Tuesday chores, but also Wednesday's chores as well.   

I worked hard today because I have a meeting tomorrow that I have been looking forward to,  and I do not want to miss it.  I will not be able to be home until right before Derek comes home,  but, I am well prepared because I made a lasagna ready to throw into the oven for dinner.  All will be finished by the time that Philip comes home from work.   I'm thinking ahead and back to the prepared Mom that I usually am.

By the way, I'm down 20.  I am happy about that and the days ahead.  I feel like I'm a new woman!

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